Proud Mama
We brought Olivia back her first souvenir from a vacation. It's a t-shirt with markers that she can color. Then it can be washed and she can color it over and over and over. She was so excited and couldn't wait to get started on it when she woke up yesterday morning.
So she sat at her little table and she colored for almost a half hour without coming up for air. This is a LONG time for Olivia to sit with one activity. As she sat there, I heard her spelling out her name - very slowly. I thought it was odd, but then realized there was a space for her name under the picture. How did she know that?
When she showed it to me, I almost cried. It is the very first time she had ever even come close to coloring inside the lines. I know a lot of kids color inside the lines a lot younger, but I am so proud of her. And she made an attempt at writing her name, which I had NO idea she knew how to spell. At first, I was baffled by the letters, then I realized that she had written it backwards and upside down. Strange...interesting. What could THAT mean? I guess we'll find out soon enough if that's something to be concerned about.
In the meantime, here's the Masterpiece...

It's WONDERFUL coloring.
And no, not a lot of kids can color in the lines this early. She did a FANTASTIC job !'s time. Pack her a bag and put her on a plane...ALL of the kids are coming to live with me now.
The sister wives can come over whenever, but I MUST have the children with me now :)
OK, bags packed, but who's paying for the ticket? Maybe I can teach her to sneak on like that kid did a few months ago.
I love it! What a neat gift! I am proud of her too.
wow.. thats great!!!
Can't wait to see you all again!!
She's gift!
She did a GREAT JOB coloring!!
I didn't color in the lines until I was like...well...maybe 30.
That kid has talent!
That shirt rocks!! Pete got a dog like that for her birthday but we have not washed it yet. Olivia did an awesome job coloring. You two should be very proud of her.
You guys are all so awesome. I was hoping she would be a tennis or golf pro, but maybe we have the next picasso in the house. Whatever - as long as she can take care of us in our old age.
WOW!!! K is right...most kids do NOT color that well at her age. Maybe she will be a Picasso, so you better save that shirt; it could be worth some bucks down the road!!! Oh, and I think we might have a custody battle over the kids....we want them here too! We miss everyone so much and can't wait to be all together again. Give OG big hugs and kisses, and the twins too...what the hell, kiss C for us too, she was looking hot in those Puerto Rico photos!
kids will write their names backwards. sideways forward etc.. totally normal!! they dont have the concept that the letters go from left to right yet. So, dont worry about her.. she is totally developmentally appropriate :)
BTW.. nice coloring job too :)
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